Green Finance Capital AG


Information and documents (the “Information“) that can be accessed via the following website and via websites linked to this website (together the “Website“) may only be transmitted to persons who have their registered office, domicile or habitual residence (together the “Domicile“) in Liechtenstein, Austria, Bulgaria, Croatia, the Czech Republic, Germany, Italy, Luxembourg, Poland, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia or in Switzerland (the “Offer States“); the Information may not be transmitted or made available to persons who have their Domicile outside one of the Offer States. In particular, the Information may not be transmitted or made available to U.S. persons (“U.S. Persons” as defined in Regulation S under the United States Securities Act of 1933, “Securities Act”).

The bonds of the “Green Finance Capital AG Subordinated Step-Up Bond 2024-2029” (the “Bonds“) of Green Finance Capital AG (the “Issuer“) described on the following website are solely offered to the public in the Offer States. Persons who do not have their Domicile in one of these Offer States are excluded from public offers of the Bonds and will not be addressed. Accordingly, no public offer of Bonds of the Issuer will be made outside the Offer States; therefore, no public offer will be made to U.S. Persons or to persons acting for or on behalf of U.S. Persons or other persons with their Domicile in the U.S. or outside the Offer States.

The Information on this Website is therefore neither an offer to buy or sell Bonds of the Issuer nor an invitation to submit corresponding purchase offers to persons with their Domicile outside one of the Offer States. The Information is not directed to any person in any jurisdiction in which the communication of such Information would be illegal. It is the responsibility of each user of this Website to inform himself on the restrictions applicable to him and to comply with them.

The Information on this Website may not be distributed outside the Offer States, including, without limitation, in publications or media of general circulation in the United States or in any state that is not an Offer State. The Bonds described on the Website have not been and will not be registered under the Securities Act and may not be offered or sold to any U.S. Person absent registration under the Securities Act or an applicable exemption from the registration requirements of the Securities Act.

Failure to comply with these restrictions may constitute a violation of applicable securities laws. Any offer and sale of Bonds outside any of the Offer States will be made only as a private placement (not subject to registration) and/or to qualified investors in compliance with all applicable securities laws.

An offer, purchase or subscription of bonds of the Issuer is made exclusively on the basis of the prospectus approved by the FMA Liechtenstein (“FMA“) on April 2, 2024 (“Prospectus“). The prospectus has been notified to the competent supervisory authorities in the offering countries (except Liechtenstein and Switzerland) and are published on the issuer’s website ( The prospectus is available free of charge as a download under this link as well as in paper form at the registered office of the issuer. The prospectus was approved in Switzerland in accordance with the Financial Services Act.

The Issuer points out that the approval of the Prospectus by the FMA is not to be understood as an endorsement of the Bonds offered or of the Issuer. The Issuer recommends that potential investors read the Prospectus before making an investment decision in order to fully understand the potential risks and rewards of deciding to invest in the Bonds.

The Issuer provides no guarantee that the Bonds described on this Website are suitable for investment by all investors. Therefore, the Information on this Website should not be construed as a recommendation to subscribe or otherwise acquire Bonds of the Issuer. The Information is not a substitute for investment advice.

Information is provided by the Issuer without any guarantee that it can be retrieved at any time or that it is suitable for a specific purpose. The Information and past performance of the Bonds are not indicative of future performance. The purchase of Bonds of the Issuer and, more generally, of securities or financial instruments involves risks and may, under unfavourable circumstances, result in the partial or total loss of the capital invested.

Users of this website are solely responsible for analyzing the information available here and for weighing up and evaluating the opportunities and risks of an investment in the Issuer’s bonds. Before making any investment decision, it is recommended that you read the prospectus and seek professional advice, taking into account your previous experience and knowledge of financial instruments, your individual financial and investment situation and your individual risk appetite.

In order to be permitted to access the following website, you must confirm,

  1. a) to have read and understood the aforementioned statements,
  2. b) to comply with the restrictions contained therein
  3. c) not to be a U.S. Person (within the meaning of Regulation S under the Securities Act) and not have your Domicile in the U.S. or outside any of the Offer States,
  4. d) neither to act for, nor to communicate Information to, persons located outside any of the Offer States nor to persons who are not permitted to access such Information.